Peugeot Automobile is the number one brand of France and manufactured in France, because it’s importing brand from headquarter. Peugeot Brand is well known and the most popular in social class.
Nowadays, Peugeot Brand is booming and admiring for several people, so Peugeot is a brand that has very prestige in the automobile circle. The brand has developed and brings new innovation of technology continuously. Our important thing is Customer Expectation and Product’s Perceived Performance. For instance: Brand Value
Brand Value
*Live the pleasure: It focus on designed car and price.
*The drive of your life: The driving is your life, focus on the people love driving car and safety.
*The lion goes from strength to strength: The lion is a strength symbol of car.
The Lion emblem
On 20 November, 1858, Peugeot Automobile was registered to use of the lion emblem that’s our brand. The original of lion is a symbol of BELFORT city that located a factory of Peugeot. Therefore, the strength, suppleness, and swiftness are identical of Peugeot brand.