Peugeot Automobiles

วันพฤหัสบดีที่ 10 มิถุนายน พ.ศ. 2553

Journal Week 2

That class has 8 presenters to show Brand Products. They were volunteers and my friends to study in this course. The modeling can walk as same as the professional model, so everyone in that class felt enjoy and excited of seeing the show. We share idea with our classmates between the words “Business” and “Trade” What do you think about? I think, there are many words to relate business obviously as buying, selling, benefit, profit, and etc. The heart of business is “NEED”. Then it’s in women’s bag to following Maslow’s Theory. He separated five needs system of human is Basic (physiological), Safety, Belonging, Ego-status, and Self-actualization.
The last time, students in each group share idea and discuss in the article “Victoria’s Secret” to present next class.

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